Hi, I'm Jordan

Jordan Romano



AskLynchburg - an AI powered transit assistant

A free interactive tool providing local insights with a click of a button. It was developed to serve the Lynchburg, VA local community but many location features also work worldwide.

- 3 nearby bus stops and arrival times, a searchable list of local bus stops, fare prices, policies
- 3 nearby parks, currently open restaurants and their Yelp rating
- Speech to Text, Natural Language Processing

Technology Stack
  • Python
  • PyTorch
  • JavaScript
  • Flask
  • HTML5
  • CSS


AskGLTC, a bilingual AI customer service transit assistant leveraging GIS and AI frameworks.

- 300+ users, integrated with the Greater Lynchburg Transit Company website from 1/2023 to 8/2023.

- SMS chat integration, bus arrival times at nearby stops, speech transcription, GTFS feed integration, pdf forms, videos, tutorials and AI chat functionality.

Technology Stack
  • Python
  • PyTorch
  • JavaScript
  • Flask
  • HTML5
  • CSS


A physics-based simulation project where an AI agent is trained to autonomously and safely land on the moon.

Scored in the top 1% out of 7000 other projects on Huggingface leaderboards. This was done as part of a course taught by Thomas Simonini.

Technology Stack
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • stable-baselines3
  • PPO
  • Google Colab


A 1000 token Solana (cryptocurrency) token art project that sold out in 30 minutes to 700 investors.

I was the project manager and marketing lead in collaboration with an artist and two developers on my team.

It is currently sold and traded on Solana's largest NFT marketplaces: SolSea, TensorTrade and Magic Eden.

Technology Stack
  • Solana
  • Metaplex
  • React
  • Candy Machine


  • Python

    Experience with Python in application development and machine learning. Used in the AskLynchburg and AskGLTC projects.

  • Flask

    Experience with the Flask micro web Python framework for the deployment of web applications. Used in the AskLynchburg and AskGLTC projects.

  • PyTorch

    A Python machine learning framework for finetuning and deploying AI models. Used in the AskLynchburg and AskGLTC projects.

  • JavaScript

    Developing advanced web functionality for the AskLynchburg and AskGLTC projects. React.js for AutoSol's deployment and the development of this portfolio site.

  • WordPress

    Maintaining and deploying WordPress sites, some experience with plugins: Built a simple WordPress Plugin for the AskGLTC chatbot.

  • API Integration

    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) such as Transit APIs, Google Places, Twilio and others.

  • AWS Cloud

    Hosting and deploying using Amazon Web Services: EC2, LightSail, Route53, S3 and CloudFront.

  • OpenAI Gym

    An API standard for reinforcement learning environments. Used for 5 HuggingFace projects.


With 2 years of professional experience and a B.S. in Information Systems, I am eager to add value by learning new systems and applying creative and integrative solutions.

Through diverse projects, I've gained experience in stakeholder communication, collaboration and project management. While at GLTC, I was responsible for presenting to involved stakeholders such as the Lynchburg Deputy City Manager, Senior VP of Liberty University, Regional VP of TransDev and GLTC management.

In connection with the transit assistant project, I was interviewed (pg. 33) by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) about my work to improve rider experiences in the community and help provide 24/7 customer service coverage.